Howdy, I'm Torch 🙌🏻
I am an ~20.73264-years-old Muslim software engineer from Indonesia, and I'm really into backend development. Biidznillah, I've got over 11 years of experience in web development.
What do I do? 🧐
Honestly, there's too much to count on one hand... But right now, I'm really grateful to be working at PST, where we build software systems for the government and some private companies. Below are some of the most populer open-source projects I've worked on. In total, these repos have earned me 185 stars. Thanks!
Technologies 👨🏻💻
I use a bunch of tools in my development process to keep the quality of my code high. Below is a list of technologies and languages I've worked with in the past or am currently using.
- TypeScript
- AdonisJS
- Laravel
- CodeIgniter
- JavaScript
- Bun
- SvelteKit
- Svelte
- Fastify
- jQuery
- Nginx
- Node.js
- Caddy
- Git
- Redis
- Supabase
- Vercel
- Cloudflare
- GH Actions
- GitLab CI
- npm
- Docker
- Express.js
- Yarn
- Bash
and, I would be open-mind to learning other tech stacks if needed.